Ten tips to increase your site’s performance
It is important to understand the key factors that impact your website’s performance. However, there are many things you can do to improve your site’s performance. These are some suggestions to improve your website’s performance without going through an exhaustive list.
1. Opt for a more powerful hosting server
Web hosting is an essential part of web performance.
Your site may be suffering due to your current plan. You might need more resources or a switch to a better plan.
Web hosts are then excellent web hosts. Every web host has its own features. Take a look at the key elements such as SSD units, cache storage technologies and control over critical areas. If you are able to overcome this, then you might want to consider VPS or Cloud hosting.
Sometimes, you may want to change to a more reliable web host. But, you should research your options before hiring you.
2. You can use a faster DNS provider
What is a domain-name system (DNS).
The Internet address agenda is known as the domain name system (DNS). The DNS is used to locate the IP address of a domain name. This allows browsers to load the site.
It is important to choose where you purchase your domain name. Different domain name services offer different performance. DNS resolution takes time. There may be delays in responding because DNS works on hardware.
Be aware that performance differences can be significant. Cloudflare can be solved in 15 milliseconds. However, it is possible for some suppliers to take up to ten times longer.
How to test your DNS speed
You can use an instrument such as the one at the 24×7 to check the performance of your name server. Roll with your domain name to find out how long it took for your name server to respond to your query. You may need to change the name servers if it is excessively large. It is easy to do.
Speed up by changing name servers
You have the option to choose from paid and free name servers. All paid options may not be better. Cloudflare is one example. Cloudflare is one of the fastest domain name resolution services, even for free accounts.
You have the freedom to make your own decision. Sign up for the nameserver you choose. This will provide you with a pair nameserver addresses that can be used to replace your existing ones.
Logging in to the account where you purchased the domain name is necessary to do this. Many of these systems have an easy dashboard that allows you to modify your name servers. The Namecheap system is shown in the following example.
Look at the account’s accounting picture to see if you can manage your domain name.
Look for the option to add DNS personalized under name servers
Enter the addresses that the new Nameserver service has provided
Both addresses must be entered
Once this is done, you can manage the domain name records through the dashboard of your new name server. Allow the time for the new server to be set up (24-48 hours is a good time).
After the test is complete, you can run DNS resolution again to verify if there has been any improvement. You may not notice an improvement at first. Give it some more time.
3. aggressive cache
Cache memorization allows you to preload static files in order to make them available faster. The memory in cache speeds up the process instead of loading files every time they are requested. This can not only increase performance but also reduces the load on your web server.
Web servers do not all work the same way. Some web servers deal with cache better than others. A web host with NGINX and lake will give you the best performance. These are some examples:
Cloudways offers task balancing and cache storage with nginx.
A2 Hosting preconfigured Varnish for their VPS plans.
Kinsta is a specialist in dealing with all things stored on the server.
There are many useful caches for WordPress that are free to use if you have a WordPress site. These plugins are easy to use for users with little technical knowledge.
4. Use HTTP/2
This is a useful feature that every site owner should be aware of. HTTP/2 allows multiplexing. This means files can be sent to users simultaneously instead of being sent one at a time. This speeds up the loading process.
Some web hosts do not offer these plans with more expensive plans. Cloudflare can activate HTTP/2 on all websites.
5. Follow the Kiss principle
Although this isn’t something most web gurus teach, I found it extremely useful in many ways. Kiss stands for “simple stupid kep it”. This acronym was created by a clever guy in the 1960s to emphasize the simplicity of simple systems.
This applies to everything, even websites. Avoiding complex projects and implementations will result in a website that is fast, simple, manageable, and easy to maintain.
Design and visual
Air reduction is achieved by keeping the design simple and the image clean. It is possible for a site with huge images, breathtaking videos and breathing to load just as fast as a lazy person on a bad day. Make sure it is neat and tidy. You can also try to separate the video images from images on different pages.
Code and plugins
WordPress is an amazing thing. It is modular and easy to use. Whatever you are looking to accomplish, there is a plugin that can help.
It doesn’t matter how cool it may sound, you should not overload your website with plugins. Each plugin was created by different people and probably different companies. They are designed to accomplish a specific goal and not increase the site’s speed.
Avoid plugins if you can. For example, you can use a plugin to help you insert tables into the text. Instead of using a plugin to draw tables, you can learn HTML basics.
Some plugins can slow down your site significantly, so be sure to run a speed test before you install any new plugin.
6. Gzip Compression enabled
Web pages are often already small. However, compression of web pages before they are sent can increase site performance. Gzip compression is a compression technique that compresses images and archives (ZIP or rare). The code of your website is compressed, which can lead to speed improvements of up to 30% (the results may vary).
7. Use a content delivery network (CDN)
How CDN works
A content broadcast network is a network of servers that provide users with web pages and other content based on their geographic location. It reduces the time it takes for remote servers to respond to end users’ requests.
It usually captures static content stored on the closest server to the user’s location. The delivery time (or loading speed), decreases as the data travels.
A CDN can help you deliver your pages faster and increase your loading speed, regardless of where your visitors are coming from.
Cloudflas offers a free service for small websites. It works well. Although larger sites and businesses will need to pay more for a better plan than the one offered by Cloudflas, the benefits of a CDN are well worth it!
Limelight and Keycdn are two other CDN services worth considering.
8. Optimize your images
Images for web can be optimized, even though they are often large. Because web images don’t require a lot of clarity, this is often done by optimizing the image quality.
Optimizilla is an online tool that you can use to optimize your images. If you are using WordPress, you can also opt for an optimization plugin. Many image optimization tools allow you to adjust details of the image resolution so that you can reduce them gradually. They will appear almost identical for an unentraned eyes, but smaller in size.
9. The code can be reduced
Today’s websites are often full of Javascript or CSS files. Miniification is a technique that optimizes your website’s code. To reduce file size, this process eliminates empty spaces and unnecessary characters.
You can also use tools such as the minifier. Warning! It is often difficult to read the code because of its small size. You might want to take a look at the entire manual coding site.
10. Reduce redirects
Browsers can accept different addresses which are then translated into the official ones by your server. For example, www.example.com or example.com. Each can be redirected to the official address.
This redirection takes time and resources. Your goal is to ensure your site can be accessed through at least one redirection. This redirect mapper will help you determine if your site is being done correctly.
This is why I recommend a plugin for redirection.
Test the site’s speed
To make your site charge faster, there are many things you can do. Some are as easy as changing options. Others require more work. The process can be slow if you take into account all of them.
Instead of trying to make all changes at once, it is better to take slow and gradual steps towards improving performance. There is always a chance that technology will fail.
It will be easier to track all changes made over time, and to document them with the tests. This could make your site unavailable or fall. It will all happen in the end, I promise.